What Goals?

Posted On 6:09 AM by Scott Costello |

This goal stuff is tough! I was reviewing my goals for the last two months and I realized that I didn't really meet any of them. This is terrible and unacceptable! My goals are listed below with a brief explanation..

Goal #1: Locate Local Banks
Not even close, as far as I got with this is searching online for banks with only a few branches in my area or that had the name community in it.

Goal #2: Refer a Short Sale to NjQuickSell
I worked at this by handing out business cards to Realtors and advertising on craigslist (should have been more consistent with that), but got no interest as of yet.

Goal #3: Talk to 10 Sellers
Haven't had 10 people call me yet which is a problem in itself. Hopefully my letters to sellers this weekend will yield more calls so I can actually talk to a seller.

Goal #4: View 50 More Open Houses
I managed to see 26 houses, not good enough.

Goal #5: Create Buyer/Seller Sign up Forms
Not even started!

Reviewing the goals I set for January and February really opened my eyes as to how poorly I budget my time and how I do a lot of "talking" and only a little "action".

One thing I will do more of is reviewing my goals daily. TampaSteph has mentioned she started doing this recently and I have read about countless other successful people who do the same. So why haven't I been doing it already? don't know, but I will do it now.

Also I'm going to start breaking things down into weekly goals and also create a weekly schedule. The only things that I've consistently stuck with and done are those that I setup a time for.

  • I Go to open houses from 1-4 on Sundays.
  • I send out Mailers to pre-foreclosures on Sunday's at 8pm.
  • I read all unread posts on flippinghomes.com forum daily at work

all other things I do are random and unorganized. I will say that my goals have changed some, and have gotten more focused since I set these original goals. That is also a problem because I should have revisited the ones i set and modified them accordingly.

On to a new day

My goal for Saturday (my wife is working so I have the entire evening to myself) is to come up with my goals for the next 6 months, 1 month and create my weekly schedule that will help get me there. I'm then going to upload it into my google calender and have emails sent to my phone to remind me.

Sounds like a plan!
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1 Response to 'What Goals?'
  1. Matt
    https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/03/what-goals.html?showComment=1236599400000#c2263953190887408915'> March 9, 2009 at 4:50 AM

    Something that's always worked for me is to make sure your goals are attainable. Break each of your goals down into the specific steps necessary to achieve the main goal and then tackle those one at a time. While it can be demoralizing not to achieve your goals, it can be very uplifting to be able to cross something off your list that shows you're making progress.