Man what a great 4 day weekend. Outside of the 12 hours of driving I logged (well my wife did at least half) I had a really good weekend. I'm sure I'll forget some stuff to tell you guys, so I'll post again tomorrow with anything I missed.
Steve Cook's Wealth Explosion
Let me first off say I was expecting a lot out of this boot camp. I've heard so many good things about them that how could I not? It was well worth it and I'd do it again and again. I could listen to Steve talk about Real Estate Investing and his Lifaniare vision all day long.
The first day was a run through of how Steve got started and all about what it takes to become an investor. Always worth hearing, even though i've heard it all before from reading his courses and reading his posts online.
The second day was the bomb! We through out situations and discussed them as a group and also came up with some really great ideas for securing a property...Think "First Right of refusal"...and also got a much better understandings about Fractionals (or quarter interests).
Accountability Partner Wanted
I'm looking for someone who wants to team up and become each other's Accountability Partners. I've gotten a few good ideas from the bootcamp and this is one of them. We could set up our daily goals on a site called WetPaint. This way we can hold each other accountable and push each other to achieve our end goals. Great Idea!
Wet Paint
People I Met
I just wanted to give a mention to all the great people I met at the bootcamp.
Was very excited to meet her, she has been a big inspiration to me and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to chat with her a bit. She left a little early so I didn't get a chance to say so but....Steph, it was great to meet you and one day I'll be in the Flip Vips with you and the others.
Steve Cook
Meeting Steve was like meeting a rock star. But I'm sure he doesn't want to be known like that at all. He is very modest and truly just wants to help make life better for everyone. I can't say enough about him!
Man, you got a very creative mind. I could see you were thinking the entire time trying to come up with a better way to do anything. Coming up with the "Right of First Refusal" idea was simple yet brilliant. I will definitely be using that. Very nice guy too
Keep up the fight and there is no doubt you will be a huge success in wholesaling and investing. If you get a chance read her blog about her struggles, it's inspiring.
Christina Eastwood
Mike and his wife from Delaware
You guys are incredibly nice and it was a pleasure to meet both of you! I apologize I never caught Mike's wife's name but hopefully we'll run into each other again as we are only a ferry ride away.
Some other people I met who could not have been nicer...Glenn from Minnesota, Brian Brian, Andrea (thanks for the directions to the mall) and Bob.
As this post is getting really long, I'll save the rest of what I have to say tomorrow.
What is “Income Notes” by Lee Arnold?
4 months ago'> March 23, 2009 at 6:11 PM
Hi Scott,
Glad I got the chance to meet you at the event!
I got your email earlier about the Wet Paint thing..
Jerry and I each start a new page every day, write a list of our tasks for the day, and then check each task off as we get them done.
It helps to have someone looking over your shoulder and holding you accountable.
Steph'> March 24, 2009 at 7:09 AM
Thanks Steph. Just need to find that someone to look over my shoulder now. Has to be someone committed though, cause I need some one to keep me on track. I tend to go in 100 different directions.'> March 26, 2009 at 5:33 AM
Hey Scott,
It sounds like the Wealth Explosion event was a good time. I'll definitely have to get myself in front of Steve Cook one of these days.
I'd like to hear more about your "Accountability Partner" idea. It sounds interesting (hey, if it's good enough for Steph then it's good enough for me). I've never heard of wetpaint, though. Is that something designed specifically for this type of thing? Feel free to email me at goyafinao (at) gmail (dot) com if you get a chance and let me know what you had in mind.