Let me tell you, I don't know how anyone can consistently mail out letters to 100's of people per week unless they have help or some fancy machine that stuffs for you. Because I wanted to have the envelopes hand addressed, I created, addressed, folded, stuffed, sealed and stamped 55 mailers last night. 55 doesn't sound like a lot but it gave me a good feel for how much time it really takes to do it.
I am happy to report though that I didn't get one paper cut! Those frig'n envelopes have sharp edges...There was one close call but with my refined reflexes and callused fingers I managed to avoid injury.
And of course I came up 7 stamps short though, so I'll only be mailing out 48. figures!
I've been think of making a website that would just have Links to REI related websites and resources. It would be broken down by category and also have user reviews of the sites. I think that could be very handy. I was also throwing around an idea of having something like a LinkShare, where people can share their Favorite links with others. Just a few ideas that came to mind in the shower this morning. Comments?
Buyer News
One of the potential buyers I found for the house in Whippany wasn't interested but said to send him anymore leads I might get. The other buyer hasn't gotten back to me after I informed him it wasn't my deal. So maybe he went around me or is just not interested because he was going to find a buyer instead of buying it himself. This was a good experience, just going back and forth with these guys.
What is “Income Notes” by Lee Arnold?
4 months ago
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/03/no-paper-cuts.html?showComment=1238187660000#c8664873693940175637'> March 27, 2009 at 2:01 PM
Hey Scott, not sure how the conversation went re: the property that's not yours...but essentially it belongs to your "partner" and if you have there are questions you can't answer you can always say "My partner has all the details. Let me get right back to you." While working to get my next deal under contract, I'm marketing my mentors' wholesale deals and basically he told me that if someone calls me, let them know I will call them back asap with the lockbox codes, etc. He also said to feel free to connect the buyer directly to him after the initial call to do all the work since he's full time. So basically all I do is identify the buyer and bring him or her to my mentor and he'd take care of the rest. I just cash my check and call it a day. He suggested I mark up his deals by $2K so that's a decent payday for doing very little work. I can do that all day. Just some thoughts!
Regarding REI-links.com, that sounds like a good idea and if you set it up right you can generate some passive income off of it too!
Have a good weekend.
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/03/no-paper-cuts.html?showComment=1238423220000#c8920433360857177462'> March 30, 2009 at 7:27 AM
Thanks Shae, that helps me a lot.
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/03/no-paper-cuts.html?showComment=1238635260000#c5263701806623026841'> April 1, 2009 at 6:21 PM
>I don't know how anyone can consistently mail out letters to 100's of people per week unless they have help or some fancy machine that stuffs for you.
That's why I do post cards :-)
>And of course I came up 7 stamps short though,
I actually use cards that are pre-stamped by the post office. But I always wind up buying 1 Cent stamps because the price goes up before I use them all.