Now it's two Sunday's in a row that the public records site has been down. That kind of puts a kink in my routine for sure! Both times it seems to pop back up on monday morning, but seriously I hope that doesn't become the norm!
The letters from last week went out on Friday (finally got stamps) so we will see how these work. I bet they will work better, how could you not read a hand addressed envelope?
Open Houses
Managed to see 6 more this weekend. A couple of times I was shocked when I saw the inside. the outsides looked terrible and the inside was updated, clean, organized. Kind of shocking that the owners didn't fix up the outside some.
One problem I have been having is that most of the realtor's give me that blank stair, or the Nod of Confussion, when I mention short sales or anything to do with investing. What should I tell them? Should I be more general and say "if you come by any Junker type houses give me a call?" I feel like I'm wasting my business cards with these people.
Monday Goals: Reply to Ads on Craigslist to find buyers and other sources for leads
I will be doing this tonight after basketball.
Wealth Explosion Event is THIS WEEK!
I'm very excited that this week is finally here. I've been looking forward to Steve Cook's Wealth Explosion since I signed up over a month ago. Meeting people like TampaSteph, JerryNJ and Steve Cook is going to be great!
My wife I and plan on driving down Wednesday night after she gets out of work at 11pm. Hopefully I won't be wiped out on Thursday.