I was running along good for a two months with getting my pre-foreclosure leads off the public records website until the last 3 weeks. The first Sunday I thought maybe it was a system problem. The second Sunday I figured it was some more maintenance going on with the site. Now for the third Sunday in a row the site was down so I'm going to change my schedule around and adapt.
9 to 10pm: Respond to Ads on Craigslist or Further my Network by contacting other investors,Realtors or anybody in the business
9-10pm: Post Ads on Craigslist looking for buyers and sellers
9-10pm: Organize my time, review my goals and see if i'm still on track
8-10pm: Download Pre-Foreclosure Leads from Public Notices and create mailer letters.
Friday: All About my Wife
Saturday: All About my Wife
1-4pm: View Open Houses
8-9pm: Write address on envelopes and mail out mailers.
10-11pm: Review My goals and set new goals for upcoming week.
I realized I needed wednesday to review my goals again because I was getting off track in the middle of the week. This should help keep me straight.
I've got a total of 4 buyers on my buyers list right now. One of the guys on the list is going to look at a house that another wholesaler is trying to sell. maybe he likes the place and is willing to buy it and I get a little "buyers finder fee"? That would be nice.
Open Houses
Went to 5 more on Sunday so that brings my total up to 90! One of them actually had an indoor pool?!?! It wasn't a big house by any standards and definitely did not look like a house that should have an indoor pool. They just dropped that house by 150,000 bucks and it's an estate so I was thinking of offering something real low, but I wanted to do more research on the property first. With out the pool the house isn't any where near the asking price. The other thing I'm thinking about is that it's the Odd ball house on the block and that usually means stay away. What do you think?
What is “Income Notes” by Lee Arnold?
4 months ago
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/03/3-weeks-in-row.html?showComment=1237999980000#c378280571535110168'> March 25, 2009 at 9:53 AM
Scott - You're obviously working your plan. Don't be afraid to make offers! As long as you truly know what your Buyers want, and as long as those Buyers are "truly" Buyers - then you should know that the property will be sold before you even sign on the dotted line.
Thanks BTW for commenting on my site at:
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/03/3-weeks-in-row.html?showComment=1238001540000#c1742256647677571526'> March 25, 2009 at 10:19 AM
Hey Scott! I was going to say something similar to Craig. Put some goals out there in terms of submitting offers. Remember...they will be low offers so the worst thing that happens is that they say no way! Once you start making them, it becomes easier. You've seen a LOT of houses in your area so you should have a good enough sense of values - go make some offers! :-)