Thinking Out Loud
I'm trying to think of ways to get more interest in my blog as well as drum up some buyers for my buyers list. Now the two can be related, that is if I can attract buyers from New Jersey to come see my blog.
Free Course
One way to get more people to my blog is of course to offer something useful to them outside of my daily experiences (which should be enough right? hahaha). Well because I signed up for Steve Cook's Wealth Explosion Event i got a free copy of "Wholesaling for quick cash 2.0". Which is great but I had previously bought that exact same course over the summer so now I have two...Can we say Opportunity Knocking!
So I will be giving away a brand new copy of Steve's Course soon to one of my readers, but I've got to figure out the best way to do it.
Foreclosure Lists
My other idea is to upload the foreclosure lists that I pull off of the public records. Everyone can get this list for free if they want to by just browsing through all the public records and recording the mailing info for foreclosures. But why go through the records if someone has already pulled out all the info needed and put them in a nice table format?
I figure I would post them up on one of my webpages I'm developing or if I can figure out how to do it here I will put it up here as well.
Probates and Divorces
Does anyone know what the process is to get Probate and Divorce Leads? For probates would I need to look at all the wills recently filed? As for Divorces, how do I get that info?
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/02/two-copies-of-course-want-one.html?showComment=1233813660000#c2032592160861640337'> February 4, 2009 at 10:01 PM
Probates are public record. The challenge is that the methods for processing vary by county. So, depending on where you live, you'll need to gather info from 2-3 counties that may or not allow access the same way.
Call/visit the county circuit court (family court) probate office and ask if the records are online. The records are public, but so far, the actual decedent/executor/property info has only been available by looking at the hard files in the county office (in my counties.) I have heard of counties that make the info available online.
I have heard of a service that sells an inheritance list of executors, but charges .80 per lead. I can process 60 files in an hour and have trained staff, realtors and other researchers to do my research for me a lot cheaper than .80/record.
I actually go into pretty good detail in one of my early blog posts. Check out http://heytaylor.blogspot.com/2007/11/probate-hookup.html . It should give you a good idea of what's required...
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/02/two-copies-of-course-want-one.html?showComment=1233840120000#c7533377352698816991'> February 5, 2009 at 5:22 AM
I think that you should come up with some sort of way to capture the email address and/or other information from people who are interested in getting a hold of your foreclosure list. Don't just let people look at it, find out who they are. Great way to build a buyers list.
Let me know how to get in on the free course giveaway when you get to it.
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/02/two-copies-of-course-want-one.html?showComment=1233843660000#c7660981237337080879'> February 5, 2009 at 6:21 AM
Thanks Taylor, I appreciate the direction pointing. I will also read your blog post and see what I can figure out on my own.
Thanks again!
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/02/two-copies-of-course-want-one.html?showComment=1233843780000#c6753776305602788493'> February 5, 2009 at 6:23 AM
I was thinking the exact same thing in the shower this morning. It's the perfect way to build a buyers list with minimal effort.
Thanks for the idea! Now I just have to figure out the best way to do it in Joomla.