Here is the list of webpages that were submitted during the contest. There are some excellent sites that should be on everyone's read list.
Flipping Homes
Steve Cook's Webpage. Tons of articles and audios. Just a great place to learn.
Rei Club
Huge resource with tons of articles, links and just about anything you can ever ask for.
Rei Tips
Best place to go to find out about courses and tools to use for your investing career. J.P. also offers TONS of great audio and video chats with the Best GURU's out there. You'd do yourself a diservice by not following this guys site
Peter Conti's Mentor Financial Group
A pretty good E-Book about bird dogging and wholesaling. Requires Name and Email address but worth it
Creative Real Estate Online
Large resource for real estate investing. I've met a lot of people who got started here and who recommend it highly
Teach Me Flipping
Video how to. I haven't seen the video's yet, but I will definitely be doing so to see what this guy has to say.
Homes Value Analyzer
gives me average comps from, I haven't used it before, but have seen it mentioned a few times
The Fast Lane to Millions
I've never been to this site before, but it looks fairly active has some articles and links. Take a look and tell me what you think so I can expand these notes
Global - New Jersey
Looks very interesting! Has Real Estate/Investor related news. I'm going to follow it for a little while and see if I like it.
Bank Rate
Figure PITI payments, look at the days par rate, things of that nature
Realtor.comFind listings, search MLS and get limited data. (not the full MLS though so don't use it as a substitute)
Rei TV
New site to me, but it says...We provide free video resources, tips, ideas, and "how-to's" to beginning and experienced investors, as well as live question and answer sessions, advice, and more.
Flipping Homes Forum
Best Forum on the net. Great people! Great Information
Rei Club Forums
Largest forum on the net for Real Estate Investing. Very active and a lot of knowledgable people. Every type of Real Estate Investing is covered. My Second favorite forum!
Creative Real Estate Online Forums
Another very good Forum community
Flip This Wholesaler - Tampa Steph
Read the entire blog! It's the best blog for seeing what it takes to make it in the wholesaling business. Steph is great and she will make you laugh. Read it!
Real Estate Investing Guide: Real Estate Wholesaling and Real Estate Secrets
Eric Medemar's Blog. Knows his stuff and can be found contributing over at ReiClub Forums
Rei Startup
One of the best blogs I've read. Walks you through all his deals and does a wonderful job explaining the ins and outs of investing
Gorman Property Group
Nice journal of his rehab projects. I haven't followed it for very long, but I like what I've seen
New Jersey Real Estate Report
I've been reading this blog for a while. Makes my head spin with all the technical information. If you are a number cruncher and love it, this is the place for NJ investors to go!
Real Estate Jobbing - Barry Grimes
A pretty good E-Book about bird dogging and wholesaling. Requires Name and Email address but worth it
Think and Grow Rich
I've downloaded it but have yet to read it. It's been recommended a few times to me so give it a shot. Requires Name and Email
If you know of any other great resources post them in the comments and I will add them to the thread.
What is “Income Notes” by Lee Arnold?
4 months ago