Any how I figured out a few more waypoints (as steve cook puts it) to help keep me going in the right direction. It's amazing how listening to a speaker or a course or even just reading a quote can get you motivated again and re-point you in the right direction. I get motivated when I listen to Steve Cook's Secret Sauce seminar. If you have trouble staying motivated and on the right path, find that seminar, course, quote or even movie that gets you pumped and use it to your advantage!
I've also been trying to take the advice from you guys who have left me comments. Last night I went onto craigslist and sent out emails to anyone who is in the real estate business. I didn't really know what to say to them, but I came up with some short emails that either ask for leads they might come across (Management companies, Clean out companies, etc..) in exchange for referral fee or sent emails to Investors asking them if they are interested in my bird dog services. I figure it can't hurt and I could possibly make some contacts, who knows but if you don't open the door nothing will get through.
I have this annoying habit of freezing up when my cell phone rings with a number that is not in my address book. My first thought is..."Is this a person calling about my postcards?" and then I for some unknown and frustrating reason make up an excuse in my head that it's not a good time for me to talk so if they leave a message I will call them back.
This happen to me yesterday. I was driving home from work and my phone started to buzz (I always keep it on vibrate). By the time I looked at who was calling and froze for 5 seconds I missed the call! And no message. Now if I wasn't such a phone wuss I would have just called the number back and said something like..."Hi sorry I just missed your call, my name is Scott how may I help you?"

I want to punch myself in the brain every time that happens because most don't leave a message. I don't get many calls yet, so it's always a shock to see an unknown number on my phone. But seriously, I've got to get over this "Fear" of talking to potential sellers. I've just got to do it a few times and I'm sure that fear will subside some. I'm getting pissed at myself even just thinking about it.
Now that I've figured out Joomla I want to continue to establish a webpage for capturing leads. I was gonna set this aside but since I'll be doing alot of advertising on craigslist and such I want to have a webpage setup and a form to fill out for people who are interested. This may not be the best way to get leads but it fits into my budget so it will be done.
That's it for this week. Ingrid I sent out the course on wednesday and sent you an email with the "tracking number". Hope you enjoy it, i'll be reading your blog to see how you are progressing.