I was reading through my daily blogs and came by a post by Scott Carson that listed the 10 traits a successful investor has as opposed to the 10 traits and bad investor has. Have a read...
10 Characteristics That Make Up Good And Bad Investors
The one major characterisic that I must continue to work on is "to talk with other people". I'm a shy and quiet person by nature and it has always bugged me that the simple task of picking up the phone to call anyone, even my friends, is nerve racking.
I fear that I will not have anything to say, not be able to say what I mean (this happens all the time) or just sound stupid. Depending on who I need/want to call one of those is always the reason why I don't dial that number. I've been working on this over the past year and have gotten much better, but still have a long way to go.
For those that have similar problems, I'll share with you what works for me the best. As soon as I think of a person I want to call I just pick up the phone and call. I don't say I'll call them later, tomorrow or whenever. I call them right then and there. If I'm really nervous I just tell me self "Do it!"
Hope that can help someone.
I'm in the process of reworking my blog and moving over to a WordPress based site. The main reason is that it gives me more flexibility and I can add different pages like an about page or an articles section. This brings me to my question...would anyone like to write an article about some aspect of wholesaling for me to post on the site? It doesn't have to be long, 500 to 1000 words. I can't pay you, but it's always good to help out your fellow investors :) Just thought I'd ask. And you can put a back-link to your blog or website and gain traffic.
I've been trying to write one article a day to try and get about 20 articles before I launch the new site. I'm far from a writer and my sentence structure and grammer is about a 2 on a scale of 10, but if the info is good who cares right??
My weekly goals for this week are going ok, I've posted my ads on craigslist and placed my squeeze page links in the ads. No responses yet, but I'll keep that up for sure.
I've also identified about 4 houses I want to take a look at and possibly make offers on.
Funny Stuff
I had a dentist appointment scheduled for today. Thought I set it up for 7:00pm but apparently it was 7:00am. Got a call on my way to work asking where I was. I'm sure they weren't happy. I blame my wife...hahahaha...oh crap hope she doesn't read this.
What is “Income Notes” by Lee Arnold?
4 months ago
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/06/what-to-work-on.html?showComment=1244137966758#c6683318817022129442'> June 4, 2009 at 10:52 AM
One of my fear things are comments on blogs. I will read a blog and want to let the writer know that I have read it but don't really know what to say or how to word it. For instance, I wanted to write just "Ummm yer in trouble" :) for the wife blaming thing. But I wasn't sure how it would be taken. I wrote it sarcastically or comically. See, and I don't know if I spelled those right. Just a random thought. I'm letting you know I read your blog. Flip on!! :)
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/06/what-to-work-on.html?showComment=1244145645912#c4338323174797011018'> June 4, 2009 at 1:00 PM
Sarcasm is always welcome here :) Thanks for reading my blog and I won't take anything you say personally so comment as you want.