I got alot of things done this past weekend. From my last post you can see I finished up all my goals for the week which is good. I finally called two For Rent signs. One I left a message to get back to me, I asked about the rent and size of the place. If the realtor calls me back I will ask if the owner is interested in selling the house or looking to buy more. The number for the other house got me to the voice mail of a lawyer?!? Does anyone know if that means anything significant or not?
Borded up House
I found this borded up house that I took down the address. I put a pen and sticky note pad in my car so I can write down anything I see. The sticky notes help as the paper doesn't slide around when I write with one hand. Anyhow I got home and tried to look up the address on the tax records and the house was not there???? how can that be? I think I'm going to go a leave a bright orange sign on the door or something. Anyone have any ideas as to how this isn't listed in the tax records?
I just got a call from the realtor about the "Buyers MLS" account they were setting up for me was ready. I will give it a good run through tonight and report back. Seems interested to say the least. The realtor actually has the service through a brokerage that they work with which I could probably get pre qualified by. Kill two birds with one stone.
New Look to my Blog
I got tired of my blog look so I found this template and wanted to try it out. I really like the top portion with the title and the picture. The width of the blog area might be a little to small though. If anyone has any comments or a feature doesn't work let me know.
Have a good Monday!
What is “Income Notes” by Lee Arnold?
4 months ago