- Get organizer that can hold Letter Mailers - Done
- Setup Click2Mail to send out postcards to match my mailer schedule - Done
- Get More Stamps - Done
- Modify Mailer to include info about "Right of First Refusal" - Done
- Investigate adding a referral P.S. in my letters and postcards for information about other houses needing to be sold. - Done
- Add 20 Links to my REI-Links.com website - Done
I will elaborate on each item tomorrow.

This Weeks Goals
- Ask my Realtor what I need to make an offer on a house (proof of funds,etc..)
- Email some of the wholesalers I know and see if they are selling any properties
- Get a copy of the Daily Record and hunt down the legal section to find probates
- Buy the list of out of state owners for Hanover
- Add 10 more Links to Rei-Links.com
- Get Pre Paid cell phone
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/04/goals-wk-413-to-419.html?showComment=1239622980000#c1203939991627954182'> April 13, 2009 at 4:43 AM
You can try grandcentral.com. They will give you a free local # that get forwarded to a phone of your choice. I think google bought them.
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/04/goals-wk-413-to-419.html?showComment=1239627960000#c2203961106112453820'> April 13, 2009 at 6:06 AM
excellent RPM! this seems like the perfect solution for me. Seems like they are in transition to google Voice now, but I'll be signing up for sure.
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2009/04/goals-wk-413-to-419.html?showComment=1239640080000#c2480469085953351338'> April 13, 2009 at 9:28 AM
Way to go, Scott! I love to see you asking about what is needed to make offers. That means I'll be reading about your offers soon ;-)
By the way, what's needed changes depending on whether you're dealing with a private seller vs. a bank...and then depends on WHICH bank you're dealing with. So there's no ONE answer here and I'm not your realtor, but here's my two cents :-):
* Proof of funds letter (needed for cash offers)
* Pre-approval letter (only needed if doing conventional financing)
* Earnest Money Deposit (you usually just have to show a copy of it - I'd never actually give the deposit to anyone up front without an offer acceptance though - I do $500 on REOs)
* Persistence and patience (you need to make lots of offers and a lot of times you'll get no response at all from the sellers)
* Willingness to submit offers that you're uncomfortable with/embrassassed by because they are so low (eventually you won't be embarrassed anymore)
If you're dealing with private sellers, you wouldn't be using your agent and you wouldn't need as much money for deposits...you wouldn't have to jump through numerous hoops (signing addenda, etc)...but YOU would have to pay special attention to liens and title issues that aren't as problematic with REOs.