Sent Postcards, Craigslist Ad and Giants

Posted On 6:16 AM by Scott Costello |

Last weekend wasn't as productive as I would like it to have been. The holidays broke me out of my routine of getting things done and now I'm struggling to get the ball rolling again. On Sunday my wife and I had enough of our dog eating all the Christmas tree ornaments so we decided to just take down all the Christmas stuff. Well wouldn't you know it, I lost track of time and it was 2:30 before I knew it! Still some time to view an open house or two right? Wrong because I then made the mistake that doomed my open house day, i turned on the boob tube

and got sucked into the Giants game. What a terrible waste of time that was, let me tell you!!

Being pissed that I wasted the afternoon I was determined to do something related to Real Estate on Sunday. I decided to download the list of foreclosures from...

...actually when I say download, I mean retype the addresses into excel because it would have cost me an extra $10 to be able to download labels from them. I think not!

I then made some tweaks to my postcard and uploaded everything to click2mail and sent them out. I tried using black and white postcards this time as it was a bit cheaper. In all I sent out only 31 PCs, but I'll be sending more out next Sunday as well. I figure that will be one of my Sunday tasks for now.

I also posted an ad on Craigslist looking for Short Sales that I could pass along to other people. Here is the ad I created...

If you fall into one of the following categories below you must call us.

> Short Sale is taking to long?
> You are losing buyers because they don't want to wait
> You can't get the banks to accept your offers
> You are tired of calling the banks everyday trying to get an answer
> You don't understand short sales
> You have to many short sales and don't have the time
> You would like some one else to deal with the banks while still getting your commission...

If you say yes to any of the above, contact me now! I can help.


Scott Costello

****If I can't help you, I know someone who can******

What do you think? I'm going to repost it again today and every two days until I get a response or two.

Today my plan is to browse around Realquest and just see what it is all about.

Have a good week!
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