Not a lot going on but the guys from NJQuicksell are looking into short sales and asked me if I know any realtors who have leads. So I contacted the two realtors i've been working with and they both seem interested. I mean what Realtor wouldn't want to hand over their Short Sale leads to investors who are willing to do all the work, buy the property and then pay the agent their commission. Sounds like easy money for the RA!
If I can line these people up and they get some good leads out of it I could get some cash coming my way. Good learning experience non the less.
Other things
I created an account at...
...and once I figure it out I'm going to be mailing out some postcards to the list of foreclosures I got form Listsource.
and one last thing...
Christmas is coming!!! I love Christmas and everything about it. Everytime I stand infront of our tree I can't help be feel like a 5 year old again.
Oh and one more thing...
I'm trying to sell my Scion tC
Craigslist ad
so if you know anyone who wants a really great car, shoot me an email.
What is “Income Notes” by Lee Arnold?
4 months ago