Well that makes 2 for 2, I got a call from a nice lady over the weekend regarding my letter I sent out to her about the vacant house I found. She is the daughter of the woman who had died and along with her brother have inherited the house. She said that her brother is handling the sale of the house and gave me his name and number. I'm going to attempt to call him tonight after I get home from work.
I talked with the guy from NJQuickSell last Thursday and it looks like I'm going to bird dog for them. They understand that I'm just starting out and are willing to help me get my foot into the business. They also understand that in time I'll start wholesaling myself and will no longer be sending them my leads. This could be a big step for me as it will allow me to get experience with talking to sellers and also help me learn the process and see how a lead becomes a deal and the deal turns into a sale. I don't even care if I earn money right now, but they will pay about 10% of the profits if one of my leads becomes a deal.
Open Houses and...
I didn't get a chance to go to open houses this weekend as I had to do some other needed things around the house that were building up. I know I had more to say in this blog entry, but I can't think of anything else at the moment. I'll post when I remember.
have a good short week!
What is “Income Notes” by Lee Arnold?
4 months ago
https://sjcostello.blogspot.com/2008/11/100-call-back-rate.html?showComment=1227577080000#c1319269101855130752'> November 24, 2008 at 5:38 PM
Looks like you're making some good progress there! Birddogging sounds like a great idea to get over the hump. Are you signing a bird dog agreement with the investor(s)? Are you actually going to put the deals under contract and assign them to the investor for a fee? Best wishes and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
My blog -> goodfaithinvesting.blogspot.com