I finished my first revision of my Business Plan yesterday. There are some parts I'm not sure of, for instance do I write it if I was a company? I used Costello Home Buyers. Or should I write it in the first person? If anyone out there can lend me some advice that would be great!
I will say it does really make you think about what you are getting yourself into. To write a complete business plan you have to think out the entire process thoroughly. If I had written this before taking the last year to research real estate investing I would have been lost, but I feel I have a pretty good grasp on things and was able to develop a business plan that made sense. I also want to thank Steve Cook for developing a template for investors, it really saved me a lot of time and I have a better business plan for it.
My next objected is to start creating my life goals. To do this I'm going to first figure out what I want out of life and then I can develop the steps I need to get there through Real Estate Investing.
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4 months ago